Hashbyte ; Renewable & Green Mining Revolution!

Green mining is inevitable!, GreenHash is revolutionized & eliminates the current carbon/fossil driven mining ecosystem and fosters the world’s first green/renewable energy driven crypto mining ecosystem.
HashByte Cloud
HashByte utilises the newest of mining technology and renewable energy sources, to ensure low fees and cheap cloud mining contracts, hence good profits for Investors.
About Hasbyte
HashByte was formed with the aim of introducing green energy mining to the cryptocurrency industry. The aim is to set up the infrastructure that can facilitate truly green mining for investors and broaden the landscape for miners around the world. This includes the creation of state of the art machines and grids that are energy efficient and that require less cooling. Currently, our facilities use cuttingedge renewable energy and no money is being paid to any electrical companies.
Going forward we are creating an energy efficient architecture for our blockchain to ensure that mining costs and demands are low. The green mining rigs we are developing will also require less computing and energy power to mine Cryptocurrencies.
We are already mining several different coins from our mining facilities. They include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Monero. The platform relies on cloud mining where investors don’t need to run the machines for themselves. Instead, they are purchasing smart contracts which allow them the mining rights in our facilities. Since the energy demand is so low, the profits that HashByte is currently offering are substantially higher than in conventional mining farms.
At HashByte we understand that the reason why most blockchains are so
reliant on hardware intensive mining is that they rely greatly on Proof-ofWork architecture. This architecture requires complicated and expensive equipment to provide consensus. HashByte seeks to avoid this by looking at alternative architectures that are like Proof-of-stake that can be combined with energy efficient hash-functions. HashByte is fostering benchmark consensus algorithms which reflect true decentralization in which it will become possible for individuals to mine cryptocurrencies without the use of complicated machines.
The HashByte EcoChain will be the first ever state-of-the-art energy efficient and decentralized Blockchain. The main feature of the HashByte EcoChain is that it will rely on energy-efficient consensus algorithms. This is a truly different approach to providing consensus. Instead of the GPU and CPU intensive proof-of-work architecture, HashByte EcoChain will rely on an approach that is currently patent pending. The benefit of our new approach is that it will require less energy to provide consensus for HashByte EcoChain. Consensus can be provided from computers and mobile devices that can run as little as one full node of the HashByte EcoChain. There are several benefits to using the HashByte EcoChain. They include:
1. instant transactions – Proof-of-Work blockchains have slow clock speeds because of the computational load. The HashByte EcoChain will provide instant transactions because of the revolutionary consensus mechanism used.
2. Cutting-edge fund protection – The funds of users on the HashByte EcoChain will be protected from hackers, phishers and nefarious individuals seeking to use the platform to steal or do damage because it will not be susceptible to 51 percent attacks like Sybil attacks because of its widespread use.
3. Global accessibility – The HashByte EcoChain will be accessible from all parts of the globe. Global access brings the passive income opportunity of blockchain mining to people in different parts of the world. Cloud mining is designed for this purpose as well, increasing access to groundbreaking
4. No transaction fees – The HashByte EcoChain will be a utility blockchain where the native cryptocurrency will not have any transaction fees and the blockchain cryptocurrency will be generated from the HashByte cloud and green mining services. This will make the HashByte EcoChain the first truly free blockchain that individuals can use.
5. Environmentally friendly and sustainable – The model used by the HashByte EcoChain will ensure that HashByte mining is environmentally friendly. It will also ensure that the platform is sustainable in the long run.
Most mining farms will fail when the energy costs are higher than the income or when there are restrictions on emissions. However, EcoChain sets up HashByte to be sustainable for years to come.
5. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) – CSR has been a mainstay of most industries where businesses are asked to protect society from emissions and bad business practices. The HashByte EcoChain will be one of the first to introduce this to blockchain mining. While other firms may be hard-pressed to meet CSR regulations that will be created, HashByte will already be established with CSR in mind.

Gash is the native cryptocurrency that we envision powering the HashByte EcoChain. It will be used in many ways such as incentivizing nodes, powering and monetizing DAAP’s, and powering and monetizing the entire HashByte EcoChain. Gash coins will also be a way for investors to secure cloud mining contracts with HashByte in the future.
Since Gash runs on the HashByte EcoChain architecture, Gash coin will have no transaction costs. We will also be able to offer instant transactions across the platform. Gash will feature sophisticated and advanced blockchain security measures and Gash is expected to appreciate nature through more and more use. The likelihood of the price being affected by volatility like speculative coins
is quite low because there is an actual utility for Gash users and miners. As a result, investing in the HashByte HSB token generating event is a prudent investment as holders of the HSB token are expected to receive a 5:1 ratio of Gash for every HSB owned in the future. 

Token distribution and fund



Alisha FR
ETH address: 0x1256D7E5264B5847cCAd7Ed1A7342617595B09A6

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