ABSOLUTME Token from social network ONEGODONLINE

Hi everyone...
The history of Bitcoin was born in 2009, the great work of Satoshi Nakamoto who sparked world currency revolutionaries, who pioneered the use of blockchain technology for the first time, and the creation of unique code from a timeless record and decentralized nature. Bitcoin is the new currency in the financial world with the name Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is also decentralized, meaning that it is not centered on a single administrator so all records of transactions in the blockchain ledger (Blockchain Ledger) can be managed by all Bitcoin users in the world. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can only be found in cyberspace using internet networks. Cryptocurrency is supported by a computer network that is not centralized. Blockchain or chain blocks are large books available in networks or online, where each transaction is recorded and can be seen by all internet network users.
After 9 years of development, currently cryptocurrency has grown very rapidly, this is marked by more altcoins (alternative coins) that have sprung up in various fields of economics and services, such as banking, exchange, markets, hospitality, and others. we will now discuss: 


The ONEGODONLINE social network could be a network with these advanced options provide monetization of socially important actions from users and promotion of cryptocurrency use for the overall population. 
Absolutme Tokens are pure cryptocurrency, Tokens are supported by coin websites, whose numbers still increase. This review provides a close description of an economic model of social networking from Absolutme Tokens.
The main feature of the ONEGODONLINE network is their constant growth in prices expressed within the kind of support with coin websites and electronic merchandise and services.
Users of this network have a pair of electronic wallets: one for coin websites that are acceptable for activities which may be spent on electronic merchandise and services, and different e-wallets with Absolutme tokens. the whole range of domestic coins continues to extend within the kind of electronic merchandise and services to make sure a rise within the price of tokens in foreign markets.

The Mission Onegodonline 
"integration of social capital into politics and business"

The Vision Onegodonline
1. forming a wide diversity of population strata in one social network
2. The onegodonline command to popularize the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency among various users, making it a normal everyday practice
3. The onegodonline is one network to express the interests of users as potential voters, to get a real political burden and support from official authorities in any country in the world.

Onegodonline is a turnkey project, the social network with advanced features and an original economic model on the blockchain that provides a guaranteed monthly increase in the cost of token ABSOLUTME, where users can earn money without financial investment, just communicating in social networks.

Token economy: 
demand and price growth Fully ready project with advanced network functionality, as well as the original model of the economy on the blockchain, allow users to earn
without investments and provide rapid growth in the number of new users.
Every month the token Absolutme of the social network ONEGODONLINE is guaranteed to increase in price by at least 10%. Tokens are issued only once.

Absolutme Token Detail
Name token: Absolutme
Ticker name: ABS
Blockchain: Ethereum (ERC20)
Tokens emission: 146. 880. 432
Each token is divided into 10. 000. 000 Dim 0.0000001 Dim
Soft cap: 10.000.000 USD
Hard cap: USD

Token sale
Start Sale: September 2018
End Sale: May 2019
ICO lasts for 9 months
1-st stage: Russian;
2-nd stage: Worldwide;
3-rd stage: Additional.
price token in the ICO: 10 USD.

in addition to participating in ICO, you can also get Absolutme token, You can easily get absolute tokens by creating your own social farm, by registering on online networking, the steps are:
1. Register in the social network ONEGODONLINE;
2. fill in your profile;
copy the link of your personal invitation from your profile and send it to all friends and contacts of your phonebook along with videos from social networks;
when your friend accepts friendship and registers on the ONEGODONLINE network then you will get Absolute cryptocurrency tokens;
4. by clicking on your invitation link and after registering on the network, they will receive twice as many cryptocurrency and internal coin networks as compared to independent registration, with this you and your friends will get the Absolutme token.
5. any new videos that appear regularly, therefore, send them around once every two or three days, sooner or later you will be able to invite all your friends and acquaintances to your personal social farm and get ABSOLUTME Token cryptocurrency.

for more information, you can see at:

Bitcointalk Username profile : Alisha FR
ETH: 0x1256D7E5264B5847cCAd7Ed1A7342617595B09A6

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