Welcome to the world of the future ...
In 2018, everyone starts talking about Bitcoin, Blockchain or cryptocurrency, but not so many people use Blockchain technology for companies or for their personal needs.
Here we will become acquainted with the future of world finance, Cryptocurrency. currently, the development of Cryptocurrency is very advanced and almost mastering all fields of finance, blockchain system, retail, banking, telecommunications, Hotel, Real estate, and future exchange applications.

Cryptocurrency is the latest technological innovation of currencies, namely digital currency where transactions can be carried out on the internet network. Now we will discuss a new revolution from Blockchain, namely Hetacoin (Blockchain generation 3.0 platform)


HETACOIN (A Blockchain Platform for the Smart Economy) is an application on Blockchain 2.0, which we know that the Blockchain 2.0 has a problem, that is, Blockchain 2.0 is still untrustworthy in transactions, but profits from Blockchain 2.0 are done without third-party transactions.
This year of 2018, HetaChain comes out and revolutionizes the new generation of Blockchain 3.0.

Heta Blockchain 3.0 Platform helps governmental services, businesses, organizations build the DApps and make the DApps into the real life: Banking Industry, IoT Industry, Robotics Industry, Healthcare Industry, E-commerce Industry.

Heta Protocol – A Multichain Platform
Hetachain’s sidechains allow you to easily deploy an enterprise blockchain, hosted however and wherever you want. 
HetaCHain Bridge Protocol allows you to securely submit data to the main chain for verification, paying HETA tokens for this service. 
In practice, this allows you to move your application to its own blockchain so it benefits from the full speed of the network, without sharing resources with other applications. At the same time, you benefit from the immutability and infrastructure our public Main Net provides. 
HetaChain main network will be able to run smart contracts written in C++, Solidity, and others. This means there is already an established community of developers and documentation to get started building your application.

The Solution HetaChain
At Hetachain, we’ve focused first on building a network of businesses willing to adopt blockchain technologies. Then we asked them what features it would need to have, and assembled the best set of currently existing technologies that provide those features. We want evolution, not revolution.

1. Global Network
Through our strategic partnerships with investment companies, we’ve inherited relationships with their subsidiaries. This is an opportunity to build a platform that spans multiple industry verticals including government, retail, payment, insurance, F&B, and real estate.
4.Business Optimization
By tapping the expertise of our global network, we will build a blockchain platform that provides a rich set of solutions that apply to a wide variety of businesses.
3. Partnerships
Our network across multiple industries provides us with committed early adopters of our platform, solving the chicken-and-egg problem in platform development. In other words, we’ve already attained the critical mass required for a strong business ecosystem on Hetachain. (https://heta.org/)

Heta Token
We introduce HETA, an internal cryptocurrency to use in MainChain. HETA is used by Companies/users (who use the Blockchain Heta service) to pay "usage fees".

Token Detail
Token Name      : Hetachain
Ticker                : HETA
Platform            : Ethereum (ETH)
Token Type       : ERC20
Soft cap             : $ 100.000.000 USD
Hard cap            : $ 520.000.000 USD
Available          : ETH, BTC


ICO TIME: 01 November 2018 - 30 January 2019
Public Sale of Hetachain on 11 November 2018

Future features
Hetachain features
Investing in Hetachain is the solution to developing future blockchain technology. The focus of the HetaChain Foundation is to develop funds, in Hetachain's investment, it will target people and companies to create products and services that are at the forefront of the generation of transformative technology throughout the world.
Part of the HetaChain Mission is to use its experience and expertise in the blockchain by working directly with the company's portfolio to help them reach their full potential on the blockchain.
The HetaChain network is strategically built with business leaders around the world to ensure founders in all markets have the ability to work directly with local investors in each country.

For those of you who want to know more about HETA, here I attach the WHITEPAPER that I quoted from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5043478.0 at the bitcointalk.org forum.
my advice for those of you who like to invest in the world of cryptocurrency in the altcoin section, you better immediately invest in HETA
This Coin in my opinion will be very developed, with various advantages that have been mentioned then, very loss if you do not invest your funds in HETACHAIN
My prediction is a HETA Coin the price will increase in the future.

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